
Showing posts from 2016


CELEBRATE THE WINS!   What does that mean exactly? It means YOU must take the time to celebrate you! 2016 is almost over and some can’t wait! We already hear ... *  I'm moving on and moving up! *  It’s time for my greater! *  2017 is my next! *  New adventures, greater connections! *  Adding in new networks and cutting out some fake friends! WAIT!!! PAUSE!!! STOP!!! BREATH!!!! Many of these statements may very well be true, but 2016 is still here, right? I would say stop and smell the roses, but it is the first day of winter and the buds are gone; but even the thorns are reminders of the beauty that was once there. Being the consummate overachieving, goal oriented, type-A personality that I am, I was recently challenged to do just this. Stop and Celebrate my Wins!  This year I did have quite a few “wins”, I just had to stop focusing on the thorns. In 2016, I met and made some wonderful friends through various social ...

What Is This?

What is this? Enough to make it through each day – nothing more and nothing less. What is this? It can’t be hoarded or saved, so it does no good to worry about the next day. What is this? It is Manna, and the Hebrew word for manna means, “What is it?” It was the heavenly provision sent to the children of Israel while they wandered in their wilderness. Manna offers us an example of how we are supposed to face each day. When we ask God “what is it?”, this is a powerful and liberating question. Not why is this, but what is this? What is this to teach me? What is this to develop in me? What IS This? Have you learned to ask God to show you YOUR manna? Often the manna God provides is something so small that we would have missed it if we hadn’t been looking. So, how do we identify and learn the purpose of our manna? We do so by embracing our Now, and living in the present moment! And that is the challenge isn’t it? Because living in the NOW is a discipline, and we...

Wake Up

This Wake Up call is NOT to everyone.  This Wake Up message is to all the Boomers and the Busters!  Those of us born between 1946 and 1964 ... yep that includes me.  And many of you! Wake up!  NOW is the time of Generation X, Y and Generation Z, as they are now the leaders and the influencers of these Millennials.    Wake up! Our generation did not have the various mediums to voice our frustrations, view the many social obstacles, or IG/tweet/snapchat about the various injustices like Generations X, Y and Z .... and now the Millennials! Now is the time (Boomers and Busters) for us to Wake Up and pay attention to their message. Do they need us to speak up for them? No, they know how to speak up and they are doing that very well. But they do need us to show up, pay up and "stand up" for their right to be heard! In late 2014, Shalaila Moore-Daniel read an article about a gentleman by the name of Kirk Odom. She was absolutely floored ...

Happy Father's Day from Daddy's Girl

"Daddy's Girl"   The first time someone referred to me by that name I kinda got upset. I knew they were calling me a spoiled little Princess. Well yeah! I am the daughter of a King! When a daughter is brought into this world, the father's life changes forever. After only a few minutes in his arms, a deep, loving bond is formed. He knows he will spend the rest of his life loving her more and more every day. The sole purpose of a father is to teach his daughter about unconditional love. It is in the eyes of her father that a daughter sees her beauty and her worth! It’s his love that will sets the template for what she expects from men. Here are some of the things a guy should know when they are fortunate enough to have a Daddy's Girl! 1. A Daddy’s girl has learned how to be treated by a man . If there is one thing her father taught her from the moment she was born, it’s how to be treated by other men. If you mistreat her, watch out. She will kick you to the c...

An Open Letter to My Mother - Revised 2-21

Mom, it has been 15 years since you passed on to glory, and this year it feels like yesterday.  I still reach for the phone to call you about a new restaurant, a new outfit, and your new great-granddaughters. This world is so different now.  Of the many things I miss,  your counsel is at the top.  There is so much rage in the hearts of people. As a nurse, you worked for over 30 years in the mental health profession.  I remember you often said, if the government did not address mental health in America we be looking at a total breakdown of society.  Mom, we have mass killings in movie theaters, nightclubs, and even elementary schools.  The first question asked, “Was it a hate crime?” Well it wasn't love! This world is so different now.  There is this thing the young women are always talking about: Haters/Hating.  I don't understand it; I didn't grow up seeing this.  I remember Aunt Martha, Mrs.Snow, Mrs. Ivey, and your friend of o...

A Controlled Fire?

Growing up in California I, like many others, are  familiar with the uniqueness of the four seasons: Winter, Spring Summer and fire ! (It’s a Cali thing). These fires begin one of two ways, natural (lighting strike or heat) or man (arson or a Controlled Burn ).  What is a controlled burn/fire? A Controlled Burning (also called Prescribed Burning) is considered by foresters as an important and ‘cheap management tool to manage’ for rangelands. The fire is able to "clean" the pastures, removing ungrazed grass, a part of the litter and controlling the density of woody plants (trees & vegetation).   One forester site described why they do it this way:   WE USE PRESCRIBED BURNS TO CLEAR INVADERS AND RESTORE LAND (Why does that sound familiar) In light of the recent news events… dare ask me which ones, too many! … I submit, HATE is a FIRE that has  NEVER been harnessed or controlled, yet so many have tried. *  Whites hate Bla...

Intentional in Living - Will you Live for Me!

  "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends." This statement was part of Jesus' final commandments to his disciples on the night He was to be taken away to be crucified. We acknowledge His sacrifice -- His love for His disciples, and all of humanity, for which He was willing to lay down His own life.  Yet, Jesus makes clear that these words are also meant for His followers.    It is often heard by those expressing their love,  “ I’d die for you!”  ( Happy Birthday Prince )   This has been e choed by spouses, loved ones, friends and parents alike… “I love you, and I would die for you” It is the Christian’s clarion call!   We proclaim it! We sing it! We put a dance on it!   I am willing to die for my Jesus!   Observation: Whether one is speaking to their Lord and Savior, to their spouse, loved ones, or friends, why is it easier to say: “I’d die for you,” than it...

Intentional Living ~ Intentional Actions

The Intentional Life is a full life!  Not a perfect life...but a full life. This does not happen by happenstance.  And it does not happen for you if you are stuck in fear.   Does it mean you will not be fearful at times.... Absolutely not!   The fear, as a wise women once told me is 'clear indication' that which is in your heart to fulfill will take more than a desire, more than a just a dream and more than just planning.    It will take Intentional Actions ! The Intentional Life is yours, now go for it!  


EVERY year I seek diligently for that ONE word.  This year that ONE Word was seeking me!  This is ONE WORD found me, convicted me, consumed me and spoke to me: "Now is not the time for you to go haphazardly into this new season.  Some may enter this new year with a "business as usual" attitude, but not so for you!"   2015 was the year I was called to ENGAGE! *  Engage in the "Release" *  Engage in the Greater *  Engage in Priorities for Purpose *  Engage in Power through Prayer *  Engage the Vision set within the time for  Intentional  living. Intention:  done on purpose; deliberate Intentional with Family, Intentional in Faith and Intentional with Finances. September 2015 began the beginning of the hebraic calendar 5776 the "Year of Jubilee".  The Jubilee Year occurs every fiftieth year, in which debts would be forgiven and the mercies of God would be manifest. "Behold, the former things are come...