Reflections: Turning 60

Whew, 60! 

60 - Threescore (3 x 20 = 60). The number 6 represents "man, Satan, and rebellion.  The number 10 represents "perfection or completeness in divine order" (6 x 10 = 60). All this indicates that the number 60 represents human strength and pride as well as divine glory and intervention. 

Hmmm. Jose bring me another ...

Puerta Vallarta Mexico, my birthday gift from my daughter Erica N Smith was just the right place for me to rest, reset and reflect! I reflected on the griefs and joy, the test, trials, temptations, and triumphs that made up my 50s.   

Reflection: I unexpectedly lost a much-loved career as an executive assistant. Yet I began a non-profit, wrote a book, started a blog, founded a publishing company, and became certified as a life coach.  So, I guess I lost a job and learned to walk on purpose.  

Reflection:  In my 40’s I unexpectedly separated from my husband of 15 years. In my 50’s I took ownership of my part of the loss. (It is never any one person's fault) I can now say he is one of my best friends and my greatest supporter.     

Reflection: Covid came, I caught it last year, I survived it (so aware that many did not) I went through it alone as covid gave all of us a year of confinement. I found out, I am stronger than I thought and I enjoy my own company! 

Reflection:  I knew I loved God with all my heart and my soul! It was in my 50’s I learned He loved me MORE! And there was nothing I could do about it! <churchy 

Reflection: I am and have been most blessed all my life. But it was in the off-the-tourist parts of Mexico that I came to see how blessed I am. Truly I have heard it said, “many can succeed off of what we complain about.” Yep! That was me.  

I have my reset!  

Courageous Queens! Celebrate every "moment" of your life! Celebrated your Wins! Celebrate YOU!


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