Check Your Trunk
I spent a great afternoon with a friend mentoring, sharing and inspiring one another. And as she was getting out of my car, she accidentally spilled the last of her milkshake.
"No problem dear, I will clean it" and I did immediately. But now it is Tuesday and wow this car smells awful, spoiled milk yuck!
I re-scrubbed the seat and the floor mats but it was getting worse! I could not get rid of that smell....putrid! Well since I couldn't clean it enough and Febreeze would not cover the smell I decided to put them in the trunk until I could get rid of them.
I opened my trunk and to my surprise, there was my garbage! I put it in there on Monday planning to drive it to the dumpster and forgot it! I had been driving around for 2 days with garbage in my trunk! Here I am thinking the smell was coming from my friends mess, but it was actually my own garbage.
It was at that moment the Lord spoke to me.
As a counselor we are often warned to have our own "yearly" check ups. Those that serve humanity closely, (counselor, mentor, minister), we inadvertently pick up others "spills" all the while neglecting to manage our own "garbage".
It is time to clean out our trunks!
The assistance for some may not be long term counseling or mentoring. Sometimes we just need a little help identifying "that smell". What is needed in our life and what is not... what is ours mess and what is not! If you need help CourageousMi is here.
Always remember, even though someone may help "clean it out", it is still your personal responsibility to go back and with Diligence, recheck your own trunk; just to make sure there were no lasting residuals effects--maggots.
I did...there were none. It is well...
Diligence: Persevering Application