“Where are we heading?”

Written by Barry Werner on October 22, 2012

Effective leaders are able to communicate values as well as vision to their team. Read Isaiah 30:1-5.

No leader can guarantee the future but every team member has the right to ask their leader “where are we heading” and “what are the methods we will use to get there.”

Every responsible leader should have an answer concerning operational core values and the vision for this month and for the next 3 years. The people in Israel trusted their leaders to make good decisions for the future of the nation but the leaders in Israel ignored their history. Instead they looked away from God who had guided and protected them choosing rather to embrace Egypt as an ally and protector. Rest assured that over time there will be distress in any organization if Christian leaders do not seek God but choose to project into the future, set goals, anticipate opportunities and obstacles, and design strategies based solely on human wisdom.

Do the values and vision you promote match standards established in God’s Word for leaders? Does the projected use of the organization’s resources under your leadership include development of people? Are you making a dedicated attempt to be good stewards of the resources God has given? The effective Christian leader will have answers to these questions. The wise leaders will learn from the error of the leaders in Isaiah 30:1-5 and insure their values, vision, plans and the anticipated outcomes are consistent with what God has revealed in His word about fairness, ethics and justice.


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