Twelve men were sent out on a strategic fact-finding mission to gather intelligence about this purpose promised place which they were told they would conquer.   

This purpose promised place was truly all that God said it would be!  Look, they even returned with a foretaste of the fruit of the promise.  This was a great report and their Outlook is great!

But, along with the great Outlook came a few facts.  Strong enemies, large obstructions and…. Doubts! 

“We can’t do this … we can’t attack this … they’re bigger and stronger … we’ll be devoured … there are already giants in my promise place … and I seemed like a tiny little grasshopper in my own eyes next to them!”

Doubts! Doubts only see giants, problems, impossibility, and obstacles. Doubts leave God out of the equation and we make us forget, He is the one that set this purpose promised place before us, in us! 

Doubts cause us to look in at ourselves as grasshoppers.  Surely if I see myself as a grasshopper, everyone else does also. 

What is your purpose promised place?  Your marriage, the business, financial freedom, the family!  What seemingly impossible situation (your giant) did you face in 2017 that caused you to shrink back?

Question:  In the middle of facing your giant, did God send someone into your life to encourage you, “surely you will conquer and this purpose promised place is in fact still yours!”  Whose report did you believe?  

Arise.  Don’t run away in fear, face your giant head-on.  Refuse to continue wandering that mountain of doubts.

Arise. The impossibilities you faced in 2017 were actually opportunities to trust God. 

To overcome the “grasshopper syndrome”, you must change your OUTLOOK!  No more focusing on the difficulties of that situation, it is time to remember what God said.  Arise.

YOUR marriage, your family, your business, your finances, your health, your PURPOSE PROMISED PLACE, will you fight for it?  It is still yours, you can still conquer, but you must fight.      

Arise, change what you are looking at and fight ….  

Imagine a child who suddenly bumps into the neighborhood bully which he has been avoiding all year long.  The child trembles as he looks downs to avoid the eyes of this bully.  But suddenly he senses something deep within himself which causes the child to look up.  He is not looking up at the bully he is looking past the bully and there is his dad walking up behind the bully.  The child is no longer intimidated by the bully because he has shifted his gaze from the bully to his father.

Change your focus, change your OUTLOOK! That situation may be tough, but you are no grasshopper.



Tiki Jackson said…
Holy Spirit, help me change my perspective; strengthen me to fight for my purposed promised place!

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