It's In The Valley I Grow

"Where have you been this year? In a Valley."

My year began with the declaration of The Emergence!  It has long been my heart’s desire to provide practical instruction for managing life's difficulties.  I wanted everyone to find their own Courageous Me! My venue was set and the classes began: Breaking Free ~ The Mind!

Little did I know the Emergence was not just an external work for others, but an internal work for me.

Today begins a new era for me as I am no longer on A payroll for the first time in 25 years.  For the past 15 years, I've worked for a great company, Cox Enterprises. Before coming to Cox I worked for Verizon for 20 years. God has been good to me in my career.

But where have I been lately?

In a valley. 

I did not know why I was in this valley.  But I did know it was peaceful here.  I did know I was to be silent in this valley, I did know I was to rest in this valley and I did know God was here.

Standing here now in my valley and I see two mountains, and I reflect.  In this valley, I did lose some things, some ideologies, and some relationships.  Not because they were bad, but because they do not belong on this new mountain.

God will not always take away things from you, but He will allow you the time and space to lay them down.

The mountain of Media which I have been on for 35 years stands on one side, and the other mountain, I see it…  This one will be a climb, but the valley has prepared me, isn't that what a valley is for?

Remember, when you find yourself in a valley
~ be silent
~ rest
~ know God is there.

It is time for me to start the climb and continue…

The Journey to Me!

Sometimes life seems hard to bear,
Full of sorrow, trouble, and woe.
It’s then I have to remember,
That it’s in the valleys I grow.
By Janet Eggleston


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