Intentional in Living - Will you Live for Me!

 "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."

This statement was part of Jesus' final commandments to his disciples on the night He was to be taken away to be crucified.
We acknowledge His sacrifice -- His love for His disciples, and all of humanity, for which He was willing to lay down His own life. 

Yet, Jesus makes clear that these words are also meant for His followers.   

It is often heard by those expressing their love,  “I’d die for you!” (Happy Birthday Prince)  

This has been echoed by spouses, loved ones, friends and parents alike…

“I love you, and I would die for you”

It is the Christian’s clarion call!  We proclaim it! We sing it! We put a dance on it!  I am willing to die for my Jesus! 

Observation: Whether one is speaking to their Lord and Savior, to their spouse, loved ones, or friends, why is it easier to say: “I’d die for you,” than it is to say: “I’d live for you.”

In reality, most of us may not actually have to live up to the statement: “I’d die for you”.  But living for, that require intentional actions. Actions that make us open and vulnerable, actions that take “time”; actions that must put others needs before yourself, and actions that hold us accountable!  It involves self-sacrifice daily, not just a one-time declaration!

What does it really mean to “lay down your life”? As we look into the book of John and read this verse of “laying down your life” it seems as if it could mean “ending your life”.  However the Greek definition does paint a different picture.  What you are actually called to do:    

“Commit your life”

“Give your life”

“Ordain your life”

“Purpose your life”

The only translation that could be interpreted as death would be “give your life,” and I submit to you it means exactly what it says “give your life,” not “give your death”.

I am not saying that a willingness to die for someone is bad, I am saying it is incomplete.

What if Jesus had lived a lustful life, a self-focused life, a life void of integrity or faithfulness? Then He went to Jerusalem willingly giving His life. Would it have been the same?

Do you know what makes His death so powerful? His LIFE!

So, are you willing to Live for me?


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