Finally...The Emergence!
In 2018 the word for the year was ARISE!
My initial challenge with that word was ...
Hadn't I already overcame all of... okay most of my personal challenges? Wasn't 2018 my time to EMERGE!
No! 2018 was the year of preparation.
In 2018 we first had to ARISE. Arise in our Love, Arise in our Compassion, Arise in our Social Awareness, Arise in our Relationships!
Now, as we enter the third month of this 2019 year, we find ourself in The Emergence!
The primary difference between Arise and Emerge? One is to get up, but the other is to come out and to come out in victory!!!
Far too many of us allow the issues, incidents accidents of life to eat away at our God-given purposes and passions.
The Emergence classes are not counseling nor therapy classes, but are for ordinary people who want to accomplish the extraordinary! Together we will examine the physical, mental and spiritual/moral components of your life and assess how to reconnect, maximizing your personal assets for success!
You can rediscover your passions, and you will live your life, and live in PURPOSE!